(Micah 5:5)

Preached by:  Pastor Carolyn Sissom

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


It has been the tradition of our annual conference to have seven anointed speakers.  This year the Lord showed a prophet to me in a dream that he was to be at the conference.  This brings us to eight anointed men/women speakers. 


We are a prophetic church.  This is a prophetic “type” of the fulfillment of Micah 5:5.  The numbers "seven" and "eight" are cardinal numbers and represent a competent number of persons.


And this One (Jesus) will be our peace, when the Assyrian (spirit of anti-christ) invades our land, when he tramples on our citadels, then we will raise against him seven shepherds and eight principled (anointed) men.”


The commission of this conference is to seek the Lord using powerful, anointed men and women of God to break through the financial systems of the world for the Lord’s people to receive financial blessings and prosperity in the times of depression.


The Assyrian in the days of Micah, Isaiah, and Hezekiah did not tread in the palaces of Judah, so this treading refers to that of the future Anti-Christ or the spirit of Anti-Christ which is upon our land and in many churches.  I saw another email that another church is embracing Islam as part of their doctrine.


The “One” here and throughout this chapter transcends the nature or achievements of any merely human leader, and will be completely fulfilled only in the Messiah. 


In type and shadow, this is a promise of the safety of the gospel-church and all believers from the designs and attempts of the powers of darkness, satan and all his instruments, the dragon and his angels, that seek to devour the church of the first-born and all that belong to it.  When the Assyrian comes with such a force into a land, can there be any peace?  Yes, even then.  Christ is our peace, reconciling us to God; and He is our peace as a king, conquering our enemies and commanding down fears and passions.  He creates the fruit of the lips, peace. 


He will anoint and appoint by Faith; and through the dunamis power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, men and women of God, whom He will employ for the protection of His people and their deliverance.  Who me?  Why not you?  Those who are the elect of God will be those who will not compromise; walk circumspect with the Word of God; live by Faith; Love unconditionally; and Fear God and not man.


Carolyn, are you saying the guest ministers at this conference are those men and women of God?  I am saying this church and these ministers are a symbolic type of these metaphorical numbers.


“Then shall we raise against him seven shepherds and eight principal (anointed) men.”


The numbers seven and eight are cardinal numbers.  In higher mathematics this has to do with that which is infinite.  It also means a competent number of persons.  I am sure those of you who are mathematicians could preach an entire sermon on cardinal numbers being infinite.  I am not a mathematician.  However, I get the picture.  This is symbolism of the Lord anointing competent vessels to do His will at the appointed time.


These will be men and women that shall have the care and tenderness of shepherds and the courage and authority of principal men or princes of men.  Seven and eight are a certain number for an uncertain.  Also, if we add together seven plus eight, we find that we have fifteen ministers (including wives) who will be ministers at this conference.


Symbolically Seven means: “completeness, spiritual perfection, purification, consecration, weapons, self defense.” (1)


Eight means: “Man’s ability to transcend limits of physical existence, teacher, new birth, abounds in strength.”(1)


Fifteen means: “Divine grace, rest, mercy, delivered from death, bride of Christ, reprieve”. 


The opposition and oppression of the Lord’s people shall be brought down.  This is represented metaphorically as well as literally by the laying waste the Assyria and Chaldea.  These two nations were the most formidable of all the enemies to the Israel of God.   The destruction of them signifies the making of Christ’s enemies His footstool. 

They shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrance thereof.”


This, of course, is a reference to events still in the future and probably best understood figuratively.


5:7: Then the remnant of Jacob will be among many peoples like dew from the Lord, like showers on vegetation which do not wait for man or delay for the sons of men.  And the remnant of Jacob will be among the nations, among many peoples like a lion among the beasts of the forest, like a young lion among flocks of sheep”


Glorious things are here spoken of the remnant of Jacob, that remnant which was raised of her that halted (4:7), and it seems to be that remnant which the Lord our God shall call (Joel 2:32) on whom the Spirit will be poured out, the remnant that shall be saved (Rom. 9:27).


On one hand the remnant will have the refreshing influence of dew or showers on the many peoples in whose midst they will find themselves.  Their ability to do so (dunamis power) comes from the Lord.  On the other hand the same remnant of Jacob will exercise irresistible power among the nations.  As a lion excels the other beasts of the forest, so will the influence of Israel and the Church excel.   They will be bold as a lion in witnessing against the corruption of the times and places they live in.  They will be strong as a lion to resist and overcome their spiritual enemies.


As a young lion loose among the flocks of sheep destroys and mangles, with no one to rescue, the defenseless animals, so will Israel and the church triumph over their enemies.  So it has been down the centuries.  The spiritual blessings given uniquely to Israel enabled her to outlast all the persecutions of her enemies from Nebuchadnezzar to Hitler and Nasser and to survive after their enemies have been destroyed.  


5: 10-11:  In that day, declares the Lord I will cut off your horses from among you and destroy your chariots.  I will also cut off the cities of your land and tear down your fortifications.”


Unique blessings carries unique responsibility (Am. 3:2); the nation which is to triumph over its enemies must depend wholly on God.  In the military and political sphere, horses and chariots, cities and strongholds will all be swept away. 


Witchcraft, and spells forbidden by Mosaic Law, will be removed.  Images,  sacred stones, and Asherah poles, all symbols of decadent pagan worship will be destroyed.  No longer will the Lord’s people commit blasphemy and bow down to the work of their own hands.  If such stringent measures are needed to purify Israel, how much greater the anger and wrath with which god will take vengeance upon the pagan nations which, though they may have been instruments of His disciplinary purpose have not obeyed Him. (1 Pet. 4: 17-18)


Those who stand against the gospel of Christ, and  continue in league with their idolatries and witchcrafts will fall under the wrath of God.


Preached by:  Pastor Carolyn Sissom

Eastgate Ministries, Inc.


(1)   Dream Encounter Symbols by:  Barbie Breathitt

Scripture from K.J.V.; Text from F. F. Bruce Bile Commentary and Matthew Henry’s Commentary.

Comments and conclusions are my own and not meant to reflect the views of those from whom I have gleaned.

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