(Mt. 2:13; Lk. 2: 1-5)

Preached by:  Carolyn Sissom

Sunday, December 21, 2008

“…Herod will seek the young child to destroy Him.”

Matthew 2:13

“These times of wonder cannot be explained.  It is a time of signs and wonders in the glorious Church, and the unveiling of Christ in His Body.

The Word is proceeding from the mouth of God in this day of witness (Mt. 4:4).  A company of prophetic messengers, pictured in Luke 1 by John, Gabriel, Elizabeth, Mary and Zacharias, have declared the Word of the Lord.  These words of Holy Spirit and Life have stirred up the adversary.  Such anointed witness leads to the battlefield of spiritual warfare, bringing persecution of competitive and religious spirits.  The war---the collision of two kingdoms (Mt. 5: 10-12)”Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake; for their’s is the kingdom of heaven.  Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.”

Through King Herod (Mt. 2: 13-23), satan purposed to murder the Messianic Seed, the long-awaited Deliverer, the One who would bruise the serpent’s head (Gen. 3:15); Acts 16:18; Rom. 16:20, 1 Jn. 3:8).  If the adversary can’t destroy the Word made flesh, he wants to defile it with unclean spirits.  Herod’s henchmen, walk the pews of churches every Sunday to fill men’s ears with distractions lest they hear the truth and live.  All spiritual warfare is over the purity of the seed.

Though Messiah’s time is a season of warfare, we rejoice that the anointed Seed cannot be contaminated with mixture.  The divine Seed is incorruptible and indestructible.

As we continue the study of The Time of the Messiah, this truth is underscored in Luke 1 and Matthew 2 by:

  1. The virginity of Mary (Lk. 1:1-7)
  2. The simplicity of country shepherds (Lk. 2: 8-20)
  3. The prophetic witness of Simeon and Anna. (Lk.2: 21-38)
  4. The wisdom of Jesus at the age of 12 (Lk. 2: 39-52)
  5. The wrath of King Herod (Mt. 2: 13-23)

Luke 2: 1-5 KJV:  “and it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)  And all went to be taxed every one into his own city.  And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David.)

To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. 

Rome made great by violence and aggression ruled the civilized world.  A universal “decree” went forth from the godless emperor Caesar Augustus.  When Caesar Augustus had his enrollment made in order to get the statistics of his empire and to raise money for his support(Lk. 2: 1-5), he little knew that he was fulfilling prophesy to help build up a Kingdom that would far outlast his own throne!

Evil systems that seek to control the lives of others are whitened sepulchers full of dead men’s bones. (Mt. 23:27).

A religious spirit of anti-christ opposes and exalts itself above all this is called God. (2 Thess. 2:4)

We are living in days of fierce Messianic warfare.  Ask any vessel that is carrying a pure and undefiled Word.  The first example of this truth in Luke 2 is Mary, a habitation of purity.  Mary brought forth perfection: Jesus!  The “womb of the morning” (Ps. 110:3) has been reserved and sanctified to bring forth men of honor. 

Luke 2: 6-7, KJV “And so it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.  And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.”

While they were there…”  It’s not enough to be impacted with the anointed Seed.  We must leave the comfortable place, we must move and change.  Mary did not give birth on the way to the place of foreordained destiny.  She could not deliver this child in any other city.  Messiah’s birth had to take place in Bethlehem (Mic. 5:2).

Make your calling and election sure (2 Pet. 1:10).  Are you in the city of God’s choosing in the time of Messiah?  One thing is sure:  there will be faithful shepherds” in the same country”. (Luke 2:8)

Today I received a Christmas card from Jack and Anna Marie Sheffield.  On the front of the card is the message, “Rise up Shepherd and Follow”.  I smiled when I opened the card.  I knew I was going to preach about the Shepherds today and received the card as a prophetic witness.

Mary had carried the divine Seed to His full term.  It took Moses nine months to build the tabernacle in the wilderness (Ex. 19:1) with Num. 9:1).  It took the over-shadowing power of the Holy ghost nine months to build the true Tabernacle (Jn. 1:14; Heb. 8:2)) in the womb of the virgin!  The number nine is the bible number denoting finality. (Lk 23: 44-46; Jn. 19:30)

Mary’s days were “accomplished” or fulfilled” to bring forth the Messiah.  Jesus was the Pattern Son, the “firstborn son”.  I believe there is a birthing in these times to bring forth the glorious Church. 

When Jesus came into this world, He was already in charge!  Yet our King bowed low and was made in the likeness of men.  God humbled Himself in flesh; then Mary wrapped Him in swaddling clothes.  These were long, narrow strips of cloth (probably linen) used to wrap a newborn, and were believed to ensure the correct early development of his limbs. Linen symbolizes righteousness (Rev. 19:8).  From His birth to His resurrection, Messiah was wrapped in linen!

The manger was a feeding trough, a stall, crib, or open box in a stable, designed to hold fodder for live stock. 

The fact that there was no room for them in the inn was to keep the Messiah from being contaminated.  The inn represents the world and all that is in it.  Some men would rather make room for the devil (Eph. 4:27) than for a virgin church filled with the spirit of prophecy. (1 Thess. 5:20)  The spiritual implication is that the “inn” is a place of no restraint.  Those called to bring forth the Christ nature will “hold fast” and head for the manger.

There was no room for Jesus because someone else was deemed to be more important.  God would rather be born among the natural beasts than the spiritual beasts (2 Pet. 1:13).

The Holy Seed can never be brought forth in a worldly environment.  Christ and His holiness must take the stable.  His entrance dignified the life of humility.  The Ark cannot be brought to Zion on some new cart---the ignorant, arrogant plans of men.

The time of the Messiah is a time of warfare—He cannot be profaned.

Now let us talk about these Shepherds who first hear the revelation of the full, threefold salvation of Jesus being Savior, Baptizer and Lord.  These were simple, country shepherds---faithful men who stayed with their flocks by night.  The most spiritual thing a man can do is do his job.

Luke 2: 8-12: KJV “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.  And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.  And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.  And this shall be a sign unto you: You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.”

When messiah came the first time, God did not burst the good new upon downtown Jerusalem with its magnificent temple.  Jehovah did not disturb the sleep of the Sanhedrin, Caiaphas, or even Nicodemus.  He didn’t bother the neighbors and cousins who were upset that John the Baptist wasn’t named Zacharias, Jr.  God looked for those whom the apostle Paul called “faithful men”. (2 Tim. 2:2).  He works the same way in these days of the corporate messiah, in order that no flesh should boast in His presence. (1 Cor. 1: 26-29)

The original team of New Testament pastors were true to their calling, guarding their flock, doing there job: watching.  The Shepherd of Israel was first adored by those who were overseeing their flocks by night on the same plains as had His forefather David in the days of his youth.  It is likely that their flocks would be offered for Temple sacrifices, prefiguring the sacrificial Lamb who was born that night!

The angel of the Lord” came upon them,” or “stood by them”.  The messenger came up on the shepherds and clothed them, and they became the message.  As with Paul on the road to Damascus, these pastors were bathed with the glory of the Lord.  They heard the same message as had Joseph, Zacharias and Mary.  “Fear not.”  They were among the first to hear the gospel, the good news sent to every nation:  Christ saves from fear by saving men from sin.

Messiah’s first coming could only be recognized and appreciated by hungry men who discovered the Bread of life (Jn. 6:48) in a feeding trough, wrapped in the clothes of genuine humility.  Proud Pharisees and Sadducees would never consider such a “sign”.  The Pharisaical crowd would have made a religion out of the manifestation and marketed it.  Their price of doves would have risen.

God will not allow anyone to contaminate the Messianic Seed.  Men who build their own kingdoms only fellowship with those who join their “ship”.  By the strength of the law, not grace, they enslave others to religious by-laws and doctrines.  The warfare is over the purity of the seed.  Once a man becomes part of a real New Testament, prophetic local church, he is assailed by things that want to seduce and beguile him away from the simplicity that is in Christ.  That enticement can come through relatives, previous teachings, other church doctrines, or even his own stubbornness.

Luke 1: 13-14 KJV:  “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

The birth of Messiah brought shakings and disturbances in the heavenlies.  At His first advent, the heavens erupted with sudden, militant praise—such celebration comes “with the angel”.  The voices of angels and the spirits of just men made perfect roared in the sight of the infant Lion of Judah!  Those in the amphitheater stood and cheered.  The celestial “host” or “army” (called a “heavenly knighthood” by Wycliffe) camped about Bethlehem that night “praising God in the “highest”, prophesying peace on earth to men upon whom His favor had come to rest.

Luke 2: 15-20 KJV  “And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord has made known unto us.  And they came with haste, and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.  And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.  And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.  But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.  And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.”

The shepherds were chosen because they mixsed the Word with faith.  They did not pollute the good news with apathy or unbelief, desiring to see with their eyes what they had heard with their ears.  Those dedicated witnesses of His first advent heard it, saw it, and told it!  Those who see Him have to tell it!

This pastoral team was diligent, striking out toward Bethlehem, which means the house of bread.  The complete revelation of the Messiah is that we being many are one bread, one body.   The shepherds earnestly moved with haste.  These pastors became evangelists, sounding the good news everywhere, causing all who heard them to “wonder” at the announcement of messiah’s arrival.

The time of the Messiah began in wonder and has increased in witness.  The consequent warfare for His Body, the Church has been intense.  But we rest in Christ, assured that the victory has been secured by His finished work.  The promise of restoration is sure.  The Seed is safe, kept pure by the power of God.

There is a remnant church, a corporate body of believers who are undefiled and kept pure by the power of God.

Having defeated every enemy, our triumphant King now sits in Zion! Above all, the time of the Messiah is the time of worship.  Come, let us magnify the Lord.  He cannot be dethroned!

Next Sunday morning and evening, I hope to finish this series on The Time of the Messiah.  I will start with Luke 2:21 and “when eight days were accomplished for the purification of the child.”  On Sunday evening, I will conclude with A Time of Worship This teaching is from a book by the same name by:  Kelly Varner, Copyright 1996, published by Destiny Image Publishers, Inc.

Carolyn Sissom, Pastor

Eastgate Ministries, Inc.


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