October 29, 2007
Taught by:  Carolyn Sissom
The Journey of the Bride from the Baptism of the Holy Ghost to the Throne Room
We ended last week with Song 1:7:  “Tell me, o you whom my soul loves, where you feed, where you make your flock to rest at noon:  for why should I be as one that turns aside by the flocks of your companions.”
This verse deals with the reluctance and the ignorance of the Shulamite to come under the authority of the local church principle.  The relationship here is still soulish.  She, like Jonathan, is ambitious! (Compare 1 Sam. 18:1-4)  She must be told to lay down her life!  She is eager to do anything that He would ask, but to submit to the authority of one of His under-shepherds is not exactly what she had in mind!  The two words “flock” and “flocks” reveal two dimensions of truth:  (1) the true purpose of eldership – to feed His flock and bring them to Him.  (2) Negatively in her immaturity (“tell me”).  The Shulamite has a disdain for any authority in her life and sees no value in the local church principle.
Story Line – Without fully comprehending the magnitude of her questions, she seeks after food and rest.  She has had a vision of Him, Who is Liberty, but little does she realize that the path to Liberty…the path of spiritual maturity which she is seeking…is the path of discipline.  In the steady and progressive development into His image by His foreordination, she must experience the lesser realms before she is to taste of His fullness.  He who has authority to rule must first be ruled.  One cannot govern until he is governed.  All ministry must be proved.  The King knows these principles.  He understand her zeal of youth yet intemperate with wisdom and patience.  With His love, He begins her training, and His reply startles her.  It was not what she wanted to hear.  These are his first words to her.
1:8:  “If you know not, O you fairest among women, go your way forth by the footsteps of the flock, and feed your kids beside the shepherds’ tents.”
That is just about as plain as you can make it.  Within the inner chamber, the Shulamite has seen (1) that she is black in Adam, but comely in Christ; (2) that her former fleshly and external works are vain; and (3) that she needs spiritual food and rest.  She must now go back and learn the lessons that the other shepherds must teach her.  Though laden with gifts, she does not know how to use them.  He has commissioned his servants to train this heir for she will come to full maturity!  She pleads, “But Lord, I want to follow You!  I want to be foot-loose and fancy-free.  I am as free as the desert wind and I want to stay that way!  These shepherds are old, and their ways are old.  I am young.  This is a new day.  I am beyond any need for a shepherd, Lord, for I have seen you.”  But the King knows that there is a due order.  There are patterns to His purpose.  He thinks, “She is so eager, and intelligent, and beautiful, but will she listen?  Or will I have to look for another?  All these virgins are so naïve, but this one is different.  “Beneath the grime and sweat of the desert, there is a quality of beauty like unto His own.  She must have this “spirit of adventure” that earmarks those who cannot fit into the mold of men’s systems and doctrines.  But that creative spirit must be harnessed.  He speaks to her again.
1:9:  I have compared you, O my Love, to a company of horses in Pharaoh’s chariots.”
The chariot was a vehicle of war.  The Shulamite is more a fighter than a lover at this point.  Like the chariot, she is made of iron (judgmental), made for speed, (impulsive).  Armed with sharp cutting instruments; she is sharp-tongued.
The King sees the Shulamite in her potential to be one of the horses in Pharaoh’s chariots, to bring forth Him in all His glory!  However, he knows that her youthful desires and impulses must be curbed and made patient.  She was not to be as those who run without a message.  She could make much of herself in the old order with her natural beauty and prowess.  Her charisma and talents would draw many a crowd. Her mother’s children had seen this potential already, and tried to harness it for their own gain.  He must save her from that, but this salvation would take time.
1:10:  “Your cheeks are comely with rows of jewels, your neck with chains of Gold.”
She is no ordinary creature.  She has much to be admired from the human perspective.  But in the light of the sun, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.  Her gentleness will manifest as she is subjected to fires of persecution under which no human emotion or sentiment can abide or stand.  He will make her a crown and glory to grace his own Head, and when He is lifted up as an ensign upon the nations, she will be glorified with Him!  This description is still from her carnal nature.
Cheeks – natural beauty, natural health, natural strength
Comely – That which appeals to the five natural sense
Rows – The orderly arrangement of legalistic philosophies.
Jewels – That which the carnal mind deems precious and valuable
Neck – The unyielding will of man that will not bow to the will of God.
Chains – the bondage and slavery of our own wealth and beauty
Gold – The love of money that infiltrates and permeates all these principles. 
1:11:  “We will make you borders of Gold with studs of Silver.”
The word, “borders” reveals the Order of the New creation and a progressive unfolding of the Christ nature from within.  This is the gold (divine nature) embossed with silver (redemption).  This is His promise to her that she will be totally transformed by His grace! 
Story Line- Because of her previous company, she had never considered the longings of His heart!  She failed to grasp the revelation that He had seen in Her a treasure to be brought forth.  He will invest His time, His faith, and His Word in her.  She had never possessed any gold or silver, now He is telling her that she is to become such! 
1:12 – “While the king sits at his table, my spikenard sends forth the smell thereof.”
The seat at the table is the place of rest.  The scepter of the rule of this King is established in righteousness forever.  He will feed her, at his table.  There is a feast which describes the size of His table.  Her response to this regal setting is one of praise and adoration.  Suddenly, she discerns a smell that fills the air.  “surely it is my perfume,” she thinks, and He has noticed me because of it. 
1:13:  A bundle of myrrh is my beloved unto Me:  This is her first glimpse of the revelation of the fellowship of his sufferings.  Myrrh points to the crucifixion.  It is an embalming spice.  It has preserving quality, preventing corruption.  It has a beautifying quality removing wrinkles.  It is an ingredient of the anointing oil.  Myrrh has a healing quality and a perfuming quality.  It was a costly and valuable gift for the King.  Myrrh was mixed with wine and offered to Jesus on the cross.  She is yet to realize that she is to share that suffering.
1:14 “My beloved is unto me as a cluster of camphire in the vineyards of Engedi.”
1:3 – Jesus the Ointment – the soothing One – Her change in 4:10
1:13 – A bundle of myrrh – Jesus the suffering One – Her change in 4:14
1:14 – A cluster of Camphire – Jesus the saving One – Her change in 4:13
1:3 – The apple tree – Jesus the satisfying One – Her change in 7:8
5:13 – Sweet flowers, lilies – Jesus the sweet One – Her change in 7:2
5:15 – The cedars of Lebanon – Jesus the stately One – Her change in 4:11
The Shulamite has tapped the secret of the King’s authority.  She has discerned the mystery of His endless life.  Christ, the bundle of myrrh, now dwells in her heart.  He has redeemed her from sin, sickness, poverty, and death.  But there is a purpose to this purchase.  Jesus will increase into a vast cluster of sons.  She had caught the vision.  She had learned much in His chambers.  But she must return to the desert and the training of the under-shepherds.  Her arms are filled with gifts, her heart with sadness, but her spirit with determination.  She had seen Him.  She had talked with Him and He with her.  Now she would spend months, perhaps years with the ministries, learning the ways of her Beloved.  They would perfect her and bring her to Him again.    
1:15-17: – the scene changes:  “Behold you are fair, my love; behold you are fair; you have Dove’s eyes.  Behold you are fair, my beloved, and yes pleasant:  Also our bed is green.  The beams of our house are cedar, and our rafter of fir.””  (he is speaking to her)
This verse deals with the principle of Revelation.  (The words “behold” and “eyes”)  The Shulamite has now grown from a young girl into a beautiful woman.  The King sees the dove of the Holy Ghost shining through her eyes.  “Fair” means “to be Bright” His own nature is radiating.  The Bed is rest and peace.  Green is the color of life.  She is to share His rest and peace.  Now she learns the protection of His house and the provision of His rafters are to be shared with her as well.  She is to share His domain.  All that He has is hers. She is to be His habitation. 
2:1-2 – “I am the Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the Valleys.”
The humility and purity of the Shulamite is seen here.  It is she that speaks here, and not the King, as many have supposed.  I am just an ordinary person, Lord.  She is still double-minded. 
2:2 – He speaks to her:  “As the Lily among thorns so is my love among the daughters.”  Her mother’s children had pierced her through with condemnation and a sense of failure and futility.  She has been delivered from a spirit of revenge and defending herself.  His sovereign grace had kept her safe in the midst of the lions’ den.  She has peaked into an Open Heaven.  It is just not worth holding grudges and lose the glimpse of Glory.
2:3:  “As the apple tree among the trees of the wood so is my beloved among the sons.  I sat down under His shadow with great delight, and His fruit was sweet to my taste.”  (She is speaking to Him.)
The Apple can represent the fruit of the Spirit or the Word of God as seen in Prov. 25:11.   Also, our words should be as “apples of gold in pitchers of silver.” The King is the Tree of Life and the true vine.  He alone is constant.  The other trees of the forest are seasonal.  The Shulamite delights in the instruction of the Lord through His Word!  His words are Spirit and Life!  She had never known rest in the systems of her stepbrothers.  The teachings of that old order were like the husks of the prodigal.  The sweetness from the Word makes her voice sweet.  The sweet wine is so strong it will raise the dead!  She hears music, and much laughter, and even dancing.  She never heard such noise in her mother’s house.  What can this be?  She never did go for all that emotion, but the King offers His arm, and beckons her to enter His banqueting chamber and the wine of Pentecost.
2:4:“He brought me to the banqueting House, and His banner over me was love.”(She is speaking)
This verse emphasizes the Holy Ghost Baptism, the Pentecostal experience.  Wine is a symbol for the outpoured Joy of the Holy Spirit (Ps.104:15; Psa. 16:11) He. brought her to the chamber of conception in 1:4; 3:4; and He is the One Who baptizes with the Holy Ghost and Fire.   This is the door or entrance to the Holy Place of Moses’ Tabernacle, the second dimension, or the Second Day, or the Second Heaven.  Like the “fading flower” of Isa. 28, the Pentecostal realm and the drunkards of Ephraim who lavished the wine upon themselves with a “good time in the Lord” instead of dispensing it to others.  The Shulamite now finds herself in a new realm.  She had never been to church service like this!  Just as Ezekiel was brought through the water of chapter 47, so the King himself will bring us into this charismatic realm.  The Feast of Pentecost is marked by Joy and Rejoicing, and will open the heavenlies (the Spirit realm; supernatural realm) to her.  It is a realm marked by shepherding and discipleship.  There was leaven in the Feast of Pentecost, which is the first fruits. (Rom 8:23) and the earnest of the realm of Agape Love to which she is called.  His own name, which she shall receive, is on the banner!  And that Love is our defense and security. Here is a foretaste of their full union.  She shares this joy with others.  His Cross was the ensign erected as the badges of his Authority.  Calvary predicted Pentecost.  This party is already in progress, and happiness fills the air like heavy incense.  She had never known such joy; it seems for a moment that her strength will leave her body.  But the King steadies her hand, and together they enter the House of Wine!
All the guests seemed so happy.  Some were singing, some were shouting, some were clapping their hands, and some were even dancing.  The King seemed pleased by it all.  What liberty these guests seem to have!  But, then again, this was a Banquet of Wine, and many had been partakers of the heavenly gift.  Dare she enter?  What would mother think?  She could never picture her brothers acting like this.  They were so serious.
2:5:  “Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples:  for I am sick of Love.” (She is speaking)
This verse shows the balance of the Spirit and the Word in the feast of Pentecost.  As she drinks this Wine of the Holy Ghost, she is almost slain in the Spirit.  The Wine of the spirit causes the Apples (the promises of the Word) to come alive to the Shulamite.  She almost faints under the influence of such an anointed word.  Those who are content to remain in the Pentecostal realm pride themselves after a good service in being overcome with heavenly wine and exhausted with happiness.  But there is yet a joy unspeakable and full of glory which can only be experienced with His enabling.  She does not understand that she must be strengthened and prepared to endure the weight of the Glory into yet another realm.  Christ is now in her, the Hope of Glory!  She has been filled with the Holy ghost with the evidence of speaking with other tongues, and what her mother forbade her to do, she now cries out for more!
The King fills her cup again and again.  She drinks often, and much more than she is accustomed.  The party had been going on now for several hours.  She had eaten to the full from dishes that she could not even begin to name.
Carolyn Sissom, Pastor
Eastgate Ministries, Inc.
(Full text was gleaned from Principles of Present Truth by K.V.  The text is a shortened version from that commentary)

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