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Your notes are sooooo good, Carolyn! Thank you for delving into Numbers so deeply!
Alison Vinson
Open the Gates Ministries

From: Jim Becton
Sent: Thursday, January 9, 2025

Subject: Re: EGM - THE RULING ANOINTING AND CROWN 1/5/2025, the Year of Our Lord

Really powerful, thanks Pastor Carolyn!
Dearest Carolyn, I loved this sermon from you!! I am SO grateful to God for giving us our President Trump!! We are in store for true restoration and the establishment of justice and righteousness in our beloved America!!
Blessings and Love, Aileen

Dearest Carolyn, I loved this sermon from you!! I am SO grateful to God for giving us our President Trump!! We are in store for true restoration and the establishment of justice and righteousness in our beloved America!!
Blessings and Love, Aileen

Thank You for the Great Email Scriptures, and reemergence of our country from being drowned to once again resurface,.... breathe air and regain our Country, Families, and GOD!

Steve Bost
Ozark Chinquapin Foundation

Saving an American Treasure
Good Morning Aunt Caroline!
GOD is Good!!! What a Great article and scriptures You pulled together here!!! The eyes of GOD have and continue to watch over Trump to Save and Restore our Country based on Jesus Christ and his teachings. Our money says in GOD we trust for a reason!

Keep up the Great Gods Good News Work You do Inspiring ALL of US!!! I am VERY PROUD OF YOU!!!

Love You,

Steve Bost
Ozark Chinquapin Foundation
From: Andrea 'Andy' Mcdougal
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2024 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: EGM - THE MINISTRY OF ANGELS IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION 3/10/24, the Year of Our Lord

I love this Carolyn. Before all if my meetings, i use to read Revelaton to release the blessings. Skip & I were on staff at a church where the Pastors were used to birth the whole Charismatic revival in the whole Southwest region of the US!!!
Before that he was a pastor of a Christian Church. They were wanting more of GOD not knowing what they were going to receive. So they began everyday reading out loud the Book of Revelation and what happened was an explosion of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. When this happened several things took place!!
1.) they were put out of the Christian Church as Pastors!!
2.) The baptism spread like wild fire
3. ) They had to rent a place to hold services
4.) In one week their first meeting at the civic center was over 3,000 people!!!
(I feel the LORD in this!!!)
5.) Many Pastors were raised up under Bill & Elsie Buck, who we worked with for a few years!!!
6.) On of those young couples who received the Holy Spirit under Bill Buck, is Charles Neiman. His church when we were there was 10,000!!! It is now over 23,000 people!!!
7. I am going yo begin to do it again!!!
Blessings & love, Andy
Pastor Carolyn,
May the Lord continue to bless & keep you. You are a sign & wonder of His sustaining power- such an encouragement to me & many! Sometimes just hearing your voice online brings comfort to me.
The Lord says your call is secure in Me.
I am well-pleased as you have loved, nurtured, & fed my sheep. The Lord says your influence goes far beyond the 4-church walls, and your steadfastness keeps many going strong! My Grace for your call will continue. Your strength & stamina will increase. For you are My daughter who puts me first & who seeks to please only Me & I am well-pleased. I will bring increase to this House in every area! A greater glory is coming!
Hallaluia!! Anne Peyton

From: Ogendi
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2023 7:49 AM
To: casissom@comcast.net
Subject: Prayer request

Dear friend,

Receive our greetings in Jesus Name. I thank God for directing me to you website. I thank God for the teachings in your website it's has been so blessing to us. I have been using your teachings in my study and to teach my church about the Kingdom of God and I have seen it touching many souls leading them to christ.

Am here by pastor Amos ouko. I request you to pray for my ministry and my church so that God may open the doors of blessings to our church we get a better place to worship. Keep the vulnerable childrens under my care in prayers so that they can get a better place to sleep get enough food clothes and other requirements

May God bless you as I hope that you will accept my request so that we join our hands together and pray for this kids.

May it please your honor and love to send us your teachings and the gifts of Bibles to use them in our worship service. We hope that God's spirit will touch you to hear our humble call as we read in Galatians 6:9-10.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Yours in His service,

Pastor Amos

Dear friend,

Receive our greetings in Jesus Name. I thank God for directing me to you website. I thank God for the teachings in your website it's has been so blessing to us. I have been using your teachings in my study and to teach my church about the Kingdom of God and I have seen it touching many souls leading them to christ.

Am here by pastor Amos ouko. I request you to pray for my ministry and my church so that God may open the doors of blessings to our church we get a better place to worship. Keep the vulnerable childrens under my care in prayers so that they can get a better place to sleep get enough food clothes and other requirements

May God bless you as I hope that you will accept my request so that we join our hands together and pray for this kids.

May it please your honor and love to send us your teachings and the gifts of Bibles to use them in our worship service. We hope that God's spirit will touch you to hear our humble call as we read in Galatians 6:9-10.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Yours in His service,

Pastor Amos
The Silver Trumpets 9/17/23 - Billie Hunt
Thank you so much for these powerful messages. May God continue to bless your good work.
Billie Hunt.
Jetta Nastally to: Eastgate Ministries.
Wonderful teaching! You are right where God wants you. You are His spokeswoman of light and truth and you do it so well. I’m proud to have served under you for years.

Pastor Carolyn, this is an awesome teaching. Lord willing I'm going to try and make it out next week. It's nothing like
Being present and the flow of the Spirit
As well as the Anointed Word if God.
Such a blessing, May God Increase you
More and more.

Betty Mickles
Thank You Aunt Caroline for making a difference in our work. Every life is a gift from God."

Your nephew,
Steve Bost
From: Kathie Walters
Sent: Sunday, January 2, 2022 10:29 AM

You are a pleasant aroma
Unto the Lord
And to me too
OH my goodness Carolyn! You have nailed it again.
Kathryn Bohlin
President & Director of Philippine Missions
Fullness in Christ Ministries
My darling Caroline.   I met you at Sara Ballenger's meeting in Washington, DC 6 or so years ago and you have faithfully sent me your sermon notes.  You are so very faithful to send these.  I highly admire your amazing faithfulness through the years.  You are to be commended with utmost admiration and respect.  You shall be rewarded by the Lord for all your teachings and labors.  Thank you, sweet Caroline, and may God shine His glorious light upon your love and ministry. (Phyllis Highfill)
Pastor Carolyn, I love your insight, I wish I lived near you to learn from you to take the Word apart and lay it out as you do. Its so clear and I see everything going on today as a continuance of those very scriptures. Thank you for your diligence to teach, the Lord’s anointing is powerful.  God Bless You. Stephania Grani
I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "It is your time to release your ROAR! I have placed a message on the inside of you for this season, and now it must burst through the noise in the world. I have called you for such a time as this! Rise up in My glory and release what I have placed inside of you! No one can stop you except yourself!" (Barb McGraw)
Good afternoon Pastor, I just want to say Thank You For Your Faithfulness to God To call upon your life, faithfulness To the flock that God continues To enlarge. For it's influence Reaches farther than You ever Even imagined. I'm helped by The Spirit of God in and upon You and His Anointing's. God Bless You Woman of God. Thank You Blessing's Betty Mickles
Thanksgiving - Pslam 103 - A Grateful Heart. Darling Carolyn     Wow!!!   One of THE BEST sermons I have EVER  read!!!    I so appreciate you and all of your knowledge, love and time spent!!!   I adore your Mom's song!!!   So precious is she.    Thank you for sending me this inspiring message.   Have a very Blessed Thanksgiving and I do love and praise God and do thank Him for you and your wisdom you share with all.   Happy day   Love and hugs Ann Wright.
THE service where the angel of Fire showed up was one of the most anointed powerful services I have been in AND I HAVE BEEN IN SOME AMAZING SERVICES!!!! All over the World. - Lori Bee
I woke up at about 10pm out time here, and recall asking the Lord to judiciously use the next couple of hours - though I didn't know what I would do, either study, pray or listen to a ministration.  But by reading this message which I hope to read again and again, I can say i got my prayers answered. This was a peculiar and timely blessing for me - as would be for many others I believe. Many thanks for these labours of Love on your part. Ma, like Rev. Kay once said, "its very rare to see vessels partake of both rains - like we say in the early apostles". The Lord counted you worthy of such and we rejoice such such tidings of good and glad things. Many thanks once again. I would use the next few hours to read other outstanding mails from you. From a dear son always...
I hope you are resting after the amazing conference...in 21yrs of salvation this conference was the most anointed, that I have ever been a part of....to experience all the gifts flowing....Saturday night when u anointed everyone, my friend and I had gold on our hands....yesterday and our service right before we prayed for people I just happened to look at my hands and there was gold again....I thank God for your life...love you....God bless you
God REFIRED you for us all Here in Texas!!! Your ministry changed my whole life darlin!!! Thank you for showing up In Texas!!!! Helen Owen
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