Song of Solomon 2:6---3:4

Song of Solomon, III
November 5, 2007
The Journey of the Bride from the Baptism of the Holy Ghost to the Throne Room
Chapter 2 is about the banquet of wine and the awesome joy of the Pentecostal Experience.    The Shulamite had been faithful for years in that place of dryness, barrenness, and lonely tears.  The joy of her being filled with the Wine of heaven cannot be described.  Now she rests in his presence. 
2:8:  “The voice of my beloved! Behold, he comes leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills” (she is speaking)
This is the call of the Risen Christ to his beloved.  This passage is recited at the Feast of Passover at the return of spring at the Jewish festivals.
The wine of Pentecost was good.  It was better than anything she had at her mother’s table.  Yet the King is approaching with an invitation to yet a higher dimension – a realm beyond Pentecost – The Most Holy Place!  He now comes to her in the swiftness and freshness of His Resurrection Life.  She is about to be allured to the top of the mountain and a baptism of Fire.  There is a high calling, and he comes now to share that ministry with her!
2:9:  ‘My beloved is like a roe or a Young Hart:  Behold, he stands behind our wall, he looks forth at the windows, showing himself through the lattice.”
This was not “our wall” – He had nothing to do with it – this was her wall, for it speaks to us of the Vail separating the two dimensions of Pentecost and Tabernacles.  He desires for her to move out of the realm of duality (James 1:6-8) and into the realm where they can stand face to face (1 Cor. 13: 8-13).  The King has taken down the middle wall of partition (Eph. 2:11-11).  This veil of flesh is her own blinded mind; it is her own image of herself, and an idol that must be dealt with.
He is very near to her, but her vision of His glory is obscured as she is bound in the earthly house of her tabernacle.  When there is a real wall between the Lord and us, it is our wall, for we have built it.  It is the enclosure of her own reasoning’s. 
She fails to notice that His whole attitude expresses movement.  He stands, as if ready to depart.  He looks in at the windows of her soul.  She is deeply satisfied with the banqueting house experience.  She does not understand that she is to follow Him.
2:10” My beloved spoke, and said unto me, ‘rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.” (She is speaking-quoting him)
This is the call to come up higher.  We can compare it to the feast of trumpets and the journeyings of the camps (Num. 10:1-2)  this same call came to Joshua to enter the land (of promise ) by crossing Jordan. 
This is the departure from the possession of self that she might be possessed by God. 
What could be better than the House of Wine? 
2:11-13: “FOR LOW, THE WINTER IS PAST, THE RAIN IS OVER AND GONE."  The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. The fig tree puts forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell.  Arise my love, my fair one, and come away.”
The cold, dark hate of the old order was behind her.  The anger of her stepbrothers was long gone.  Those years seemed so distant now.  It was time for new life to spring forth.   What else could the King want?  How many could boast of seeing the Green Room?  She had been but a bud until she entered the House of Wine.  When she was filled with the Holy Ghost, she had exploded into a blossom.  She is the flower of whom he sings!
Slowly, her mind becomes clearer as she begins to understand the message.  She must go to the top of the mountain where the vinedressers are at work.  She is not going there to dress the vines, for she and her own vineyard must be tended first.  She is to take her vineyard there and permit the vinedressers to prune away.  She is His planting.
2:14:  “O my dove, you are in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see your countenance, let me hear your voice; for sweet is your voice, and your countenance is comely.”  (He is speaking to her.)
She is a dove – a spirit filled church.  She is hidden in Christ in the secure hiding places in the crevices; in which doves make their nests and where people retreat from their enemies.  Jesus was the rock that was the cleft at Calvary!  In Him is security from very foe and storm. 
The stair speaks of our ascent in to God step by step.  She has come a long way in her ascent to His throne.  He had seen the reflection of Himself in her eyes.  But there are little things that must be dealt with.
2:15:  “Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes.”  (The our would mean both are speaking)
The foxes are  things that hinder.  They abort the seed.  These foxes sneak in under the leaves.  These have affinity with the serpents, and are known for their craftiness, especially in playing dead.  They were mentioned by Ezekiel to be false prophets (including false words of condemnation – Prov. 17:15) The hardest years are the adolescent years; she is no longer a bud, but she has yet to bring forth her fruit.  It is those little insignificant things that we have allowed to feed unmolested among our vines.  These habits, words, or weaknesses (which appear as nothing in themselves) are deceitful and cute, treacherous and sly:  wasted time, foolish talking, lack of diligence, neglect of prayer.  The fruit of life is full of promise.  If unwatched or unguarded now, the little things can ruin it all. 
She must forget the things that are behind.  She listens to His message about the Cross, to his call to turn her face toward Him, but she still does not understand!  At one time she neglected her vineyard (1:6).  Now she swings to the other extreme.  Now she is preoccupied.  She evidently has her eyes upon the vine, and its promise of fruit, and is getting concerned in the keeping of her vineyard.  Thus is her gaze turned from the Person of the King.  The she realizes she is safe in His love.
2:16:  “My beloved is mine, and I am his, he feeds among the lilies.”
The lilies are the pure in heart.(Mt. 5:8) Like the unperfected Shulamite, we can be so enamored of the goodness and caresses of the Bridegroom that we think that we have already arrived at the height  and summit of perfection. 
2:17:  “Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, turn, my beloved, and you like a roe or young hart unto the mountains of Bether.”  (she is speaking)
This is a key verse in the song.  This shows the reason and the result of double-mindedness.  Satan doesn’t care what we believe, as long as it is in the future!  She lived in the twilight zone of James 1: 6-8; her mind-set was always “until” or “One of these days”  the morning is breaking, and He has already called her to be a part of that New Day. 
The word “turn” or “return”  shows that He did not wait on her.  He walked away.  She will either accept or reject the terms of His covenant, but she cannot alter them!  She boldly prophesies that he be what she wants:  the playful roe and the young hart.  But he refuses to be conformed to her image; she must be conformed to His!  It is the commitment to the covenant, ascending the mountain of separation, that she fears.  Bether was possibly Bilthron, a hilly district on the east side of the Jordan valley (11 Sam. 2:29).  The Living Word will divide between soul and Spirit.  She does admit that there are shadows (imperfections) in her life.  Complete union is still theoretical and not a reality.  The word “turn” reveals she has fallen behind Him, and He is not really present with her since her refusal to leave the enclosed wall and come away with Him.  Then, she wanted Him in her circumstances and behind her wall for her own personal comfort. 
The Lord’s day begins at twilight.  She will have to arise while it is yet dark and follow him.  The Shulamite has missed God in her calling to the Mountain of Separation.  He is pleading with her to come with Him.  She knows that they cannot leap this mountain; they must climb its rugged slopes.  This was where the vinedressers were pruning the vines in the place of suffering and separation.  Her feet will not move.  They seem to be fastened in the dust.  To her surprise, the King turns from her and begins to climb the mountain.  She want to run after Him, but fear has rooted her feet firmly in the earth.  In a moment, He is gone! 
3:1:  by night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loves:  I sought him, but I found him not.” (she is speaking)
This verse tells the result of not following on to know the Lord in the Most Holy Place. 
She had experienced the Feasts of Passover and Pentecost.  But there is a Feast of Tabernacles in the Seventh month (perfection)!  It begins with the blowing of the trumpets, and that clear word from God will blow her off the bed of ease!  Then on the tenth day of the seventh month, there is the Day of atonement.  He called her to this Gethsemane on the mountains of Bether.  This is the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jer. 30: 7-8)  The Jacob nature must be confessed and then dealt with.  This is to be a baptism of fire. (Heb. 12:29).  In the outer court He is Jesus, the Savior.  In the Holy Place, He is the Christ, the One who indwells her.  But in the Most Holy Place, he is the Lord – and to His total reign in her life she is called!  She is to afflict her soul in the Day of Atonement.  But she refuses to cooperate. 
The banqueting house is still and filled with darkness.  Shadows are everywhere.  The guests and all the musicians are gone.  The wine smells sour and stale.  Her head aches.  It is night time and it is cold.  The King is gone!  She is a stranger, a little country girl, in a strange city. 
3:2:  “I will rise now, and go abut the city in the streets, and in the broad ways I will seek him whom my soul  loves.  I sought Him, but I found Him not.”( She is speaking)
Here is the plight of those who want to do the will of God their way!  They go in circles, as did the Preacher in Ecclesiastes!  These are persistent in their search of Him in their programs and systems!  He is not there! (Lk. 24:5)  So we have traveled from place to place, church to church, doctrine to doctrine and still we are not satisfied.  Where can He be?  We even tried the larger ministries and their broad views.  She is wearing herself out seeking, and still has missed the point and missed God.   But at least she did arise!  The streets are dangerous.  So are some of the public assemblies.  All over  the world, men are seeking Him in the religious systems.  But He is so very near, much closer than she realizes.  At first she does not find Him. For he is waiting for her to confess her need of Him.  The couch and bed of contentment were once paradise to her; now it is hell, for the Beloved is gone.  He did not seem to be beyond the limits of the city. (Lam. 3:33)
When she did not obey, he hid his face.  He has aroused her from her lethargy; by His silence.  He has drawn her to seek Him diligently; by prolonging His apparent absence.  He has broken down the wall of reserve and drawn her out of herself.  He watched her as her rushing hither and thither, to this or that place, expecting to obtain “blessing” as of old, but He did not use the old instruments, or even instruct the hither to much-loved “watchman” with an answer that met her need.  The King was silent in His love.  The Shulamite arises and steps into the streets.  They are dark and lonely.  Evil seems to crawl through the empty corridors of the city.   Perhaps the watchmen who go about the city at night would know where He is!  They were supposed to be able to know these things.  But they found her first.
3:3:  the watchmen that go about the city found me:  To whom I said, “Have you seen him whom my soul loves?”  (she is speaking)
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with these ministries who are on various levels.  Each has something to say.  But the realm of life and the high calling to which the Shulamite is beckoned will demand that she hear from God for herself!  She reads their books, hears their tapes, and even stops to hear some teach or preach.  In all of that she is searching for her king.  Not even Angels could satisfy Mary. (Jn. 20: 11-16)  These watchmen were also shepherds; she didn’t find them, they found her!  The true servant-leader like John the Baptist, will see to it that his disciples become Jesus’ disciples. (Jn. 1:35-37)  We give honor to whom honor is due.  But these cannot usurp the Lord’s place in our heart and affections.  We avail ourselves of every aid in finding our Lord, and inquire especially of those appointed as watchmen in Zion, the ministers of the Word, concerning our spiritual state the means of our being restored to the joy of His salvation.  Then some of the watchmen may say, “Well you’re backslidden, that what’s wrong.”  This is shocking, because she was never so hungry, and it is as if the Lord went on vacation and didn’t leave a note.   The watchmen can do no more than point the way to Him!
These watchmen had lost their light; they knew that the people of the city desired a “good time” of drunkenness, deceit and harlotry.  Raising their voices against these things would disturb the “good people” of the city.
Instead of crying against these sins, the watchmen worked it out so that such activities were regulated and controlled.  The people of the city paid their salaries; in turn they would give the people what they wanted in a proper way and in the proper houses.  In fact, most of heir work was to regulate and conduct the affairs of the houses where the harlots operated!  They did not understand the Shulamite.  Who was this strange woman in the streets?  “Why aren’t you in your home?”  They coaxed her to join one of their brothels.  We have buildings for them on many corners of the city.  Our buildings are the finest to be seen in any land.  She asks again, “have you seen Him whom my soul loves?” No, they haven’t seen Him (Jn. 3:1-8); nor do they know Him. (Matt. 7: 21-23)  Perhaps she is part of the Present Truth that is sweeping the town!  The nerve of this woman!  If the King were about, they would surely be the first to know.  If He had anything new for the people, everyone knew that he would bring it through their systems!  The watchmen plead further, “come with us and we will make you a keeper of the vineyards.  We understand you have had some experience in doing that kind of work.”  In complete and utter disgust she turns from those who  were to watch for her soul, and stumbled off into the darkness alone – nothing mattered to her, except that she had “lost” the Presence of her Lord.
Verse 4 is a pivotal verse and this will be a good beginning for next week.  She finds Him.  The Shulamite had been born again in 1:4; Spirit-filled in 2:4 and her in 3:4, she enters the Most Holy Place!
To be continued next week.
Taught by:  Carolyn Sissom, Pastor
Eastgate Ministries, Inc.
(Excerpts gleaned from Principles of Present Truth by:  K.V.)
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