


My prayer this evening Father is about a single person, both in this congregation, and those Lord that are privy to access this Word through the internet, would lose the opportunity to bring their soul in submission to the Lord and to acknowledge that, Lord, the enemy in his craftiness, goes about seeking whom he may devour, seeking whom he may mislead, and whom he may, Father, bring to a misconception of Your eternal purpose. 

We pray this evening Lord, that Your grace has appeared again unto this house because this, Your people Lord, are upon Your heart.  My prayer is that You will lay Your hand upon each individual.  You lay Your Hand upon the corporate work.



 You lay Your hand on Sister Sissom, Lord, who has the responsibility of leading this work with those You have set around her.  I petition You this evening, Lord, that grace be multiplied unto her and upon this house and that, indeed Father, You have found the gateway into the city, a gateway into this region, through which You may dispense truth and revelation, Lord, to bring about the restoration of the house of God in this region.

Even now, again, we prophesy concerning Your eternal purpose Father, and we say unto Your enemy, “No weapon formed against this house shall prosper, no weapon formed against Your servant in this house shall prosper”.  For tonight, in Zion, I lift up my voice as Your servant, and I judge the works of the fallen one, the wicked one, in the excellent name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I declare, I decree that the house rise up as a powerful house, Lord. That the echelons of power be established in this house my God.  And that through this house, truth, revelation, understanding of Your eternal purposes Lord, will and shall be dispensed through this region, through the ends of the earth, my God, where You have given this work grace to function.  Now my God, I bless You.  I praise You.  I exalt Your excellent name my God.  Truly, You are the only wise, the only Intelligent God, and to Your name be glory and praise and honor throughout all eternity.   Now, O God, I declare and I decree that from this pasture, I decree unto Thee O Great God, return to Thy rest, my God, for in this region, in this place, there is a people who shall fulfill Your excellent will, who shall build Your Kingdom, who shall obey Your commandments.   My God, I cause and pray that Your great grace be multiplied, that Your Word be multiplied, that Your release of resources be multiplied, that Your hand rest heavy upon the work, my God.  I decree that no weapon formed against Your servant shall prosper, no tongue lifted up against her life, her health, her wisdom, her understanding shall prosper.  For today, I rebuke the works of the enemy.  I rebuke every tongue lifted up in darkness, I speak the will and the way of the Lord, and I decree the will of God to be done.  Even now, I rejoice in the Lord, and I decree and declare that your health shall spring forth, O handmaiden, that your youth shall return to your bones, and your flesh shall be renewed, and your hand shall be mighty in the Lord, and no weapon formed against you shall prosper.  But the Lord will cause you to rise up.  Even now, the Lord placed in your hands a scepter to rule on His behalf in this region.  Look not to the left, nor to the right, but lift up your eyes unto the hills for as far as you can see, the Lord your God give unto you.  Be not afraid but stand in the power of His Might and declare His excellent ways and His excellent glory.  Be not afraid of the spirit of religion, says the Lord, for I have bolstered your spirit.  I have bolstered your soul, that you may stand in the midst of all of the wickedness that is in this region.  I will cause your voice to be heard in the echelons of power says the Lord.  Behold, I say to you this day, before kings and before princes, before presidents and ambassadors, be not afraid for I have prepared you, says the Lord.  Over many years I have shaped you.  I have placed  My dignity upon you, says the Lord, and I shall cause you to stand in the places of power and you shall declare My way.  Even there, I shall cause you to observe things and see how the spirit of this world operates that you may retrieve from there and come into My presence and tear down those powers of wickedness that My Kingdom may effect change that it may  advance in this region.  For your Lord your God shall do this because He is an excellent God.  For the Lord does not forget the work of your youth.  Nor does the Lord forget your gift and you’re giving unto His Kingdom, for He shall cause His hand to execute all that is set before you.  Blessed be His excellent name.  Lord we bless You, we praise You, and we honor You.

Prophecy given to the Congregation By: APOSTLE VALENTYNE

And to the congregation, says the Spirit of the Lord, fear not.  Speak not of yourself in a belittling way little flock for I have come amongst you in a new way and a new strength in recent times.  You have felt in your spirit a time of shifting and a spirit of settling amongst you.  But now, says the Spirit of the Lord, be confident, be confident in My wisdom and be confident in My might.  Be confident in what I established amongst you for there is a time of readiness and preparation that I am shaping you into.  And you are an instrument of warfare, and you are a threshing instrument in My Hand.  I have caused you now to be at time of rest and preparation for there is a time in which I shall cause you to emerge to take on new principalities, and new powers, and take on new echelons of powers in the 2nd Heaven, says the Lord.  And when that time comes, My voice will trumpet that before you and you shall rise up as My mighty eagle, you shall arise as My battle warriors.  You shall cry in the earth for My intents and purposes and throughout the earth, My voice shall be heard because from this house I caused My voice to be heard.  I caused My voice to effect change in the realms of spirit.   Fear not, do not frown upon yourself or upon your stature for you are the making of My hand and the doing of My will.  But look up and behold My grace and behold My glory.  For the Lord shall establish you in a new way for a new season is upon you, a new time of understanding.  For I set before you new understanding, new revelation, new schools of thought, says the Lord.  For I break seals that have not been broken before that now must be broken both for this house and for this region that you may begin a trumpet in the earth that which is in My heart and that which must now be done.  Fear not, but boldly declare My intentions and boldly declare My will for no harm shall come against thee.  And no voice raised up against you from any echelon of power shall be able to overcome thee for I am thy God, I am thy righteousness and I shield you and protect you against all the wiles of the enemy.   Now gird up yourselves, says the Lord, and begin to run with Me for the time has come for us to take new territory.  The time has come to invade new areas and new lands I hear the Spirit says.  Now be not afraid, says the Lord, for some of this shall be new to some of you.  But know this, I am the Lord thy God and the earth is My inheritance and I’ve given that inheritance to you.  Fear not but move forward boldly.   Declare My voice, not just in this region, not just in this state, not just in this nation, but in the nations of the earth where I shall give you grace to work.  You shall be an extension of My hand in the nations of the earth and many shall come to know Me because of you.   Fear not, be not intimidated, do not allow the spirit of religion, through the power of the spirit of the antichrist, to intimidate you; but rise up, gird yourself with strength, follow My instructions and do My will for I set before you a glorious inheritance that is your birthright, birthed by your travail and your intercession, your praise and your worship.  Lay hold of it and walk in it.  This is your inheritance, declares the Lord. 


Father, we bless You.  We praise and honor You.  Let Your excellent will be done.  Remove from us the desire to do our own will.  Cause our soul to be crucified, that indeed, if any man should come after Christ, he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow the Lord.   My God, release grace to us to deny our self.  To put You first, Lord, and to take up our cross.  Deal with the elements of our soul that is yet rebellious against Your will; bring it in submission to your Lordship that Your excellent will may be done.  We bless You, O Lord, we praise You, and we honor You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.  Apostle Vincent Valentyne

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