Easter Sunday, March 27, 2005



(Taught By:  Carolyn Sissom from a book by the same name by:  Kelly Varner, 1978)

(Ex. 12: 1-4)



When God brought a nation out of bondage, He put a Lamb in every house!  The nation of Israel was in Egypt’s bondage.  God had heard their cry.  He ever desires to liberate His creation.  He purposes to do it by killing a lamb.  Jehovah began the great deliverance of Israel by putting a lamb in every house.  A LAMB FOR A HOUSE.  What would our city be like with the Lamb in every house?


Is the Lamb and His Spirit residing in you and your family?  Have you eaten the Lamb?  Do you have the Lamb’s Spirit? And who is this Lamb?


John 1:29:  “The next day John sees Jesus coming unto him – and said, BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD WHICH TAKES AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD.”


JESUS IS THE LAMB!  The word sin in this verse is in the singular, referring to the nature of sin, the very essence of sin.  The word “sins” is plural and speaks of those overt, outward ACTS or manifestations which are the results of that nature. JESUS THE LAMB CAME TO REMOVE SIN FROM THE EARTH.


Paul got hold of this thought of the Passover Lamb in I Cor. 5:7 when he said, “CHRIST OUR PASSOVER IS SACRIFICED FOR US.”


Peter built on this same principle:  “Foresasmuch as ye know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious BLOOD OF CHRIST, OF A LAMB without blemish and without spot:  Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you.  (1Peter 1:18-20)


John adds that Jesus was:  “The LAMB slain from the foundation of the world. (Rev. 13:8)


Luke quoted the prophet Isaiah in Acts 8:32 where Jesus was:…”led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a LAMB dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth.”


The word lamb is mentioned 27 times in the Book of Revelation.  There are 27 books in the New Testament.  The New Testament is filled with truth concerning the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.







Peter said that Jesus was a Lamb without blemish or spot and he has redeemed us from vanity.  Our vain conversation, our behavior or life style.  We could say, “Look at all the good I did”.  It was vanity and much of it was for vain glory.  “Look how religious I was”.  It was vanity!  Much of religious activity is for Vanity and Vain Glory  to be seen my men.  Where did we get this vanity?  Peter tells us from the traditions of your father.  What have men produced? Vanity.  We will produce nothing else but vanity until we begin to hear from Heaven.


In Genesis 21: 28-34, there is the account of a covenant between Abraham and Abimelech there had been a boundary dispute over the wells of Beersheba.  Abraham made a conciliatory gift of seven lambs (verse 28).  Abimelech ask a very interesting question?   “WHAT MEAN THESE SEVEN EWE LAMBS WHICH YOU HAVE SET BY THEMSELVES?  Abraham answered him that they were to be a witness between the two men and in that place Abraham planted a grove and called there on the name of the Lord, the Everlasting God”  The seven Lambs were a peace offering.


The Lamb’s Spirit is in Seven dimensions.  The spirit of Jesus is seven-fold.  “and you shall offer with bread SEVEN LAMBS without blemish of the first year.” (Lev. 23:18)


“…behold the LION of the tribe of Judah…and I behold, and lo in the midst of the throne..stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having SEVEN HORNS and SEVEN EYES  which are the SEVEN SPIRITS of God sent forth into all the earth.”(Rev. 5:5-6


“and there shall come forth a rod of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:  and the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon the spirit of WISDOM, and

UNDERSTANDING, the spirit of COUNSEL and MIGHT, the spirit of KNOWLEDGE and of the FEAR OF THE Lord.” (Isa. 11: 1-2)


Jesus was anointed with Spirit without measure.  He will have a people in His image who have come to the fullness of His stature and His character.  Do you want to be bold as Lion, then be a Lamb.  Jesus can roar like a lion or be as gentle as the lamb.  God will have a vast family of sons like the Firstborn.  He planted Jesus the Word (the seed) in the earth in His death and burial.  Jesus came forth in resurrection to MULTIPY THAT NATURE IN A PEOPLE.  God is raising up a people who will partake of the Divine nature and who will flow in the FULLNESS (seven) of the SPIRIT.






The Lamb has been given all power (seven horns) The Lamb has full understanding and perception (seven eyes)  The Lord wants a Lamb for every home and for every local church.   There are two institutions which God has ordained, the home and the local church.  The seven Spirit  of God rested on the first Lamb and has begun to rest upon a people who have the Lamb’s Spirit.  There is one HOLY SPIRIT, BUT THE SEVEN SPIRITS OF God speaks of the Holy Spirit in His Fullness.  Jesus has an unlimited, complete anointing and many sons will be brought into the glory of that same anointing that will be unleashed in the earth. 


In Exodus 12:2, “This month shall be unto the Beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.”


In the feast of Passover Jesus is our Savior and Justifier.  In the Feast of Pentecost, He is the Christ and the Anointed One.  In The Feast of Tabernacles, He is Lord.  Jesus Christ the Lord.  The Passover experience is but the BEGINNING OF YOUR SASLVTION.  It is the first dimension of God’s dealing in my life.  I have been saved, am being saved and shall be saved (11Cor. 1:10)  the Lamb’s blood has provided a complete all inclusive redemption for the spirit, soul and body of man (1 Thess. 5:23)


Let the Lamb come into your home.  It will mean a new beginning.  It was the responsibility of the man to provide the lamb for the house.  Verse 3 “take to them every man a lamb according to the house of their fathers, A LAMB FOR A HOUSE.”  Father’s must take the initiative to see to it that Jesus the Lamb is in our homes and churches.  However, if the Father is not in the home, then the Wife becomes the spiritual head of household.  Verse 4 tells us to share the Lamb with our Neighbors.  Verse 5 speaks of the sinless and spotless Song of God.  Verse 6 reveals the truth that we all were responsible for his death.


God wants a lamb in every house.  The Passover lamb was a type of Jesus Throughout the whole land was death, agony, hell on earth and what were they doing?  Eating Lamb!  Because the Blood that was on the door brought them into immunity and death and destruction could not touch them.  The blood  of the Lamb will never lose it’s power.  Death and hell must pass by.  God wants to bring a people into immunity and prepare us for a walk of Faith where we see miracles everyday.


The Blood of the Lamb is a covenant of peace.  Moses kept the Passover by Faith.  The nation ate the lamb by faith. The God of Abraham, the God of faith, had given a lamb by Faith.  The covenant of the Blood of the Lamb is an agreement..


Are you walking in agreement with your family?  Do you agree with your husband?  Do you agree with your wife?  Your  children?  Your patents?  Are you safe from the



Destruction of strife and anger?  Are you quiet from the destruction of constant bickering and quarreling?   Is there peace in your house?  In your life?  In your Marriage?  In your home?  In your local church?  In your ministry?  IF NOT, EAT SOME LAMB.  AND IF JESUS HAS SAVED, EAT MORE LAMB!


“Be well-balanced..temperate, sober minded; be vigilant and cautious at all times, for that enemy of yours, the devil roams around like a lion roaring (in fierce hunger), seeking some to seize upon and devour.”)


When God got ready to bring a nation out of Egypt, He put a lamb in every house.  The blood of that Lamb provided a shelter and a protection.  This is the best kind of insurance policy you can have.  Men bring Jesus into your home and make Him the center of your relationships!  The home and local church are the wineskins for the wind of the Kingdom message.  The church is the vehicle of the Kingdom.  Like Simeon of old who held the Consolation of Israel in his arms, let us stand in one age while we embrace another! 


There is a side dish that comes with the Lamb.  It is bitter herbs.  You can’t eat the Lamb without eating the side dish.  Too many of God’s kids don’t want to clean up their plate.  Too many of God’s people are in bondages and limitations because they don’t have a vision for a clean life.  Some may say I just want to eat the Lamb.  Not, eat the bitter hers or you do not eat the lamb. 


The Bitter herbs mean that repent.  You may say, I’ve already repented.  Well, I have to repent everyday.  Repent to your children, tell them you are sorry when you had a bad day or said mean things.  Repent to your wife when you were mean or wife repent to your husband.   Swallow some Pride (better herbs).  Swallow down some stubbornness (admit your wrong – bitter herbs). Impatience – repent (bitter herbs).  These are hard pills to swallow.  A Lamb spirit will say, “I’m sorry, pray for me.”


The bitter herbs speak of a crucified life-style.  A life that is dead to self-will but alive to God’s will.  A life that has forfeited all its own rights.  Some lives have the fragrance of death that others might live.(11 Cor. 2: 15-17) but some have a sentence of death working in us. (11Cor. 1:9).  Some have eaten the bitter herbs.  For me to

Live is Christ.


Jesus is the righteousness of God.  All these aspects of His nature are taken into us as we eat the Lamb.  Righteousness is right living.  It is to flow in our homes.  Then will follow his peace and joy.  Along with this is His own nature of loyalty and trustworthiness.  Honesty, integrity, and reliability in all relationships.  The covenant has already been cut with THE EVERLASTING GOD THROUGH ETERNITY AND ALL BECAUSE OF THE LAMB.





Ten Things that Destroy the Homes

  6. CRITICISM OR GOSSIP.  ‘He hates a false witness that sows discord among the brethren.”
  7. PROMISCUTIY, being casual or unfaithful
  10. MIND FOOD  -Let us get our minds on the Lamb and we will get the Mind of the Lamb


God wants a holy nation.  Pray that there is a Lamb in your home and Local Church.  I want God to bring you and your family into immunity and hide you in the day of the Lord’s anger.  I want us to eat some bitter herbs,  I want us to change our mind and then our life-style.


Do you need to come to Jesus?  Do you want to be part of this holy nation that has a Lamb for Every House.  The Lamb’s hand of judgment shall pass through the earth and destroy those who dare to scoff at the security of a blood-stained piece of wood.  Calvary covers it all.  God put the Tree of Life on the tree of death that you and your family would be spared from your death and brought into His life. And that Blood Covenant of the Lamb shall be unto you for a Memorial and you shall keep it a feast to the Lord throughout your generation; you shall keep it a feast by an ordinance forever..Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and Forever.


Carolyn Sissom, Pastor

Eastgate Ministries, Inc.,


*paraphrased from A Lamb for a House by Kelly Varner  1978)

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