Monday, August 31, 2009, The Year of Our Lord

Taught by:  Carolyn Sissom


When I was in banking, we had a policies, practices and procedures manual.  In that manual was every bank policy on a vast number of subjects.  Not only was it the policy, but the procedure of how to implement that policy.  Our authority was based on implementing the policy according to procedure. 


When we ran in to a situation that was not in the manual, then the staff took it to an officer of the bank to make the decision.


The Lord has written through the Apostles a policy, practices and procedure manual for the New Testament Church .  These policies were given under divine inspiration by the Holy Spirit.  Also, these policies are the good manners for all Christian cultures.


Each individual church fellowship may interpret those policies in varying degrees.  When I go in to another church fellowship whether it is as a minister or as a visitor, I come in to submission to the Elders and Deacons of that fellowship.


 (Heb. 13:17 K.J.V) “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves; for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief; for this is unprofitable for you.”  (Amplified)  “Obey your spiritual leaders and submit to them (continually recognizing their authority over you).  For they are constantly keeping watch over your souls and guarding your spiritual welfare, as men who will have to render an account (of their trust).  (Do your part too) let them do this with gladness and not with sighing and groaning, for that would not be profitable to you (either).


I am sure all of you have witnessed the protocol of visiting ministers and ministry in the local church.  The Pastor is always over the whole service and has the final call whether right or wrong.  The Pastor will answer to the Lord and knows it.  When there is a visiting minister, the Pastor releases the service to the minister.  When the minister has concluded his ministry, he or she then turns the service back over to the Pastor or designated Deacon.    


When I am ministering in a home meeting, I am in submission to the head of household.  This same principle applies to the House of the local fellowship.


The New Testament Church was started in home fellowships by Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Evangelists and Teachers.   I started first in my home, and then moved to the home of a lady by the name of Ann Wright.  When I was in Ann’s home, I was in submission to her.  It was a very happy friendship and still is until this day.    From there, we went to a building that facilitated church gatherings.   The reason to move to a central location is to be able to accommodate larger crowds and have a facility that is designed to accommodate the number of people gathering in to that fellowship.   Also, it can soon become a hardship on a family to continue to meet in a home on a regular basis.   All of Christendom still continues to be blessed with the hospitality of home groups. 


1 Cor. 16:14-16:  “Let all things be done with love.  Now brethren, you know the household of Stephanas were the first converts and our firstfruits in Achaia (most of Greece ) and how they have consecrated and devoted themselves to the service of the saints.  Submit yourselves unto such and to everyone that helps us and labors with us.”


1 Pet. 5:5:  “Likewise you younger, submit yourselves unto the elder.  Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility; for God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble.”


The head of household turns the meeting over to the designated minister.  The minister is then in charge of the service.  If the gathering is for worship, bible study and prayer, everything is to be done decently and in order with the same respect and reverence as a church service.


Unless otherwise indicated by the leaders, all questions and discussions should be held until after the service has concluded.


If a home fellowship is started for the purpose of starting a church, then the Lord will have in place an Apostle or Prophet.  Only those two offices are anointed to start a church.    


If a home fellowship is started as an extension and support of the local church, then the fellowship will be in submission to the Leadership of the local church of which they are co-laborers as was the household of Stephanas to the Apostle Paul.


Even in a home fellowship, you will have to deal with the wolves, Jezebels, Ahab’s and take-over devils.  Wolves come in sheep’s clothing.  They are not appointed and chosen to start their own ministry.  Therefore, they come in to the local church to pull people away from valid leadership to get a following.  Fickle people follow wolves and will always back-slide. 


The take-over spirits (controllers) will always think they are better qualified that those whom the Lord chose to lead (Miriam and Korah).  They have very big egos and are very ambitious with their own agenda.  All evangelists and visiting ministers should have only one agenda to support the vision of the Lord for the local fellowship of which they are a guest.


The only way the devil can tear up a church is to get in to the Leadership.  As long as the Leadership of the church holds steady, a church will not be shaken by trouble-makers.  


In Isaiah 14: 13-15, the prophet describes this to us using metaphorical language:


“For you have said in your heart, I will ascend into the heaven.  I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.  I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”


Well this is pride.  Whether satan, Adam or the carnal man, this is a picture of the five faces of the wild ass (Ishmael) nature.  The serpent can only eat dust (the carnal mind).  Satan lives, loves, and has his being in the carnal mind of man.


Five faces of “I wills” (The worldly mind):


  1. Desire to climb higher socially,  Politically or in religion.
  2. Desire to compete.  God is not in competition because in which some one looses.  God is in achievement in which everyone wins.
  3. Desire to be recognized and get attention (seen of men).  (Jn. 6:37)  How often have you been to an assembly and see Christians fighting over who will sit on the front row or get the seats of honor?  Those who sit on front rows are those who are the designated ministers for a particular service.   It is also the pastor’s prerogative to invite family, friends or other ministers to join him/her.
  4. Desire to escape (escape driven).  (John 17:15) “I pray not that you should take them out of the world, but that you should keep them from evil.”
  5. Desire to be recognized as superior.  (“I am God; I am right all the time; My word is greater than yours”).  People who steam roll to get the last word.  (Lk. 22:42)  (spirit of the anti-christ)


What do Pastors look for when choosing leadership?


 Titus 2 and 3:   In here are listed some of the attributes of leadership and some of the attributes of gainsayers:


  1. Live holy
  2. Be not slanderers.
  3. Not given to wine.
  4. Teachers of good things.
  5. Teach the young women.
  6. Be sober.
  7. Love husbands.
  8. Love children.
  9. Be discreet.
  10. Home-lovers
  11. Be good
  12. Be sober-minded
  13. Be a pattern of good works.
  14. Be uncorrupt, grave, and sincere in teaching.
  15. Have sound speech that cannot be condemned.



  1.  Servants be obedient
  2. Please masters
  3. Do not contradict or gainsay orders entrusted to you. (trustworthy)
  4. Show faithfulness in all things.
  5. Be subject to civil rulers.
  6. Obey magistrates
  7. Be ready for every good work.
  8. Speak evil of no man.
  9. Be no brawlers.
  10. Be gentle
  11. Show meekness to all men.


Bishops and Deacons:


  1. Blameless
  2. Having faithful children
  3. Not self-willed
  4. Not soon angry
  5. Not given to wine
  6. No striker
  7. Not given to filthy lucre.
  8. A lover of hospitality
  9. a lover of good men.
  10. Sober
  11. Just
  12. Holy
  13. Temperate
  14. Holding fast to sound doctrine
  15. Able to exhort believers and convince the gainsayers.


GAINSAYERS: - Stumbling blocks for Leadership. Until these have overcome, they do not have the maturity for leadership.  However, those in Leadership should have the maturity to minister to people who have these character flaws or bad attitudes.  “Our maturity is measured by how we handle the immaturity of others.”


  1. Unruly – rebellious to truth
  2. Vain talkers – empty boasters
  3. Deceivers – pretenders of truth
  4. Subvert (overthrown) whole houses
  5. Teach false doctrines
  6. Greedy of money
  7. Evil beasts – ferocious
  8. Unsound in faith
  9. Consecrated to false doctrines
  10. Obey human commandments
  11. Reject truth
  12. Unclean and unbelieving
  13. Only profess godliness
  14. Defiled in mind and conscience.
  15. Deny God in life and conduct
  16. Abominable – unnatural in lusts.
  17. Disobedient to God and truth
  18. Reprobate to all good works.


Description of Sinners: 


  1. Foolish
  2. Disobedient
  3. Deceived
  4. Serving divers lusts and pleasures
  5. Living in malice and envy
  6. Hateful
  7. Hating one another


As Ministers of the gospel, we put no stumbling block in anyone’s path so that our ministry will not be discredited. (2 Co. 6:3)


I think we could sum it up that leadership is respectful one to another, polite, courteous, does not demand its own way, considerate and supportive of the vision of the local church and the Elders.  In short “love one another”. 

Carolyn Sissom, Pastor





Thank you, Pastor Carolyn Sissom. This is an excellent  word. All who desire to serve the Lord and are promoted into a leadership position need to read and understand what God requires of us. I have seen many a church split and ministries fall because of the lack of discipline, obedience and humility within leadership. Rebellious, constantly bleating sheep will not remain in the fold.

 So honored to call you my pastor.  Bet Amante























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