Sunday, January 12, 2025
Pastor Carolyn Sissom
In response to your new friend, to whom the LORD showed His Word (Bible) written in the heavens. Perhaps this short (summarized) insight might be helpful in your communication. As we both know, Satan has attempted to steal the message of the heavens through Tarot, Zodiac, Astrology and Horoscopes, which are totally demonic. Why has Satan attempted to steal the “Bible written in the Heavens?” Because he has no access to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Prophets, so tries and has convinced many Christians that he controls and speaks through the signs of the heavens. Yet, we know that it is God who speaks in the Heavens. Since the heavens declare the glory of God, even the demons can read the “speech.”
I am not gifted by the Holy Spirit to read the Bible written in the Heavens, but I know it exists. I am considering teaching on Psalm 19 tomorrow:
Psalm 19:1: The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day to day utters speech, and night to night shows knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them has He set a tabernacle for the sun. This is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoices as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit to the ends of it; and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days, and years.” (Gen. 1:14).
We know that earthly time is part of creation, and the seasons, days, nights and years are governed by the heavenly bodies. These are under the seal of God and only the Lamb of God can break the seals. Man has no power over the seals.
God said they were also to be for SIGNS.
“When God said of the celestial luminaries, ‘and let them be for signs.’ He meant they should be used to signify something beyond and additional to what they express in their nature and natural offices.
The intent of the physical universe is to declare and display the majesty and glory of the Creator.
The Apostle Paul was spiritually attuned to this knowledge: You, Lord in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of Your hands. They shall perish; but You remain; and they all shall wax old like a garment; Like a cloak, You will fold them up, and they will be changed. But You are the same… (Heb. 1:10-12).
Ro. 1:20: Since the creation of the world, His (God’s) invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.
Three witnesses the Lord has given all mankind so that man is without excuse. (1) Creation; (2) Natural Law; (3) Conscience.
The intent of the physical universe is to declare and display the majesty and glory of the Creator.
About 1900 years ago Ptolemy set about to name the stars. However, I am persuaded somewhere in the earliest ages of human existence, the stars were named and arranged into groups. These form the ground work of all maps and definitions of the celestial presentations. They are in all the planispheres, celestial globes and star charts among all people from one end of the earth to the other.
Psalm 147:4: He tells the number of the stars; he calls them all by their names. Great is our LORD, and of great power his understanding is infinite. (Ps. 147: 4-5)
Isa. 40:26: Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who has created these things, that brings out their host by number; he calls them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one fails.
The scriptural key to these signs is found in the Book of Job. Job was familiar with the signs and constellations and in writing the book that bears his name, he refers to “Mazzaroth.”
Job. 38:32: Can you bring out Mazzaroth in its season? Or can you guide the Great Bear with its cubs? (N.K.J.V.)
Job. 38:32 K.J.V.: Can you bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? Or can you guide Arcturus with his sons?
“Mazzaroth is an ancient Biblical Hebrew word which refers to astronomical constellations and is often interpreted as a term for the Zodiac or the constellations thereof.” (Wikipedia)
Young’s Analytical concordance of the bible interprets this word (Mazzaroth) as the Twelve Constellations of the Zodiac.
Mazzaroth marks the path of the sun in the Heavens. This is the tabernacle for the sun; hence the signs of the stars are called the “houses” of the sun (son), because in them he moves and dwells, and completes his circuit.
Arcturus – This constellation revolves perpetually around the North Star and is called “the Bear and her train” in the R.V.
As the Psalmists declares, “The heavens declare the glory of God,” would it not be true that the story of Christ and redemption is expressed by the stars? Like me, David may or may not have understood it, but the Holy Spirit speaking through him knew the implications of the words. It is certain that God ordained the use of heavenly bodies for signs. Surely, as Christians we believe the sign of the Star of Bethlehem. Frederick A Larson in 2007 did a documentary to prove the existence of The Star of Bethlehem.
I am persuaded by the Spirit that the LORD GOD has written the Gospel in the stars, as well as in the Holy Writ; and the gospel in the stars, like much of the Sacred Scriptures is pictorial and metaphorical.
“He tells the number of the stars and calls them all by their name.”
So, just as Christ was named before he was born, so God named the stars and planets.
There are forth-eight (48) pictures or constellations formed by the stars in primeval astronomy. These are divided into twelve (12) main signs of the Zodiac and their decans (36 groups of stars) or “sidepieces.” The Bible in the Heavens (Mazzaroth) is divided into three books of four chapters each.
Jennifer, For time and space, I will only interpret Book 1 – THE REDEEMER, summarizing Books 2 and 3; but because of the Triumphant Return of Christ which we are expecting, I gave more detail in Book 4.
Perhaps this will give you an idea of something to compare your new friend’s vision when she shares more of it with you; and you will be able to judge whether it is from the LORD or from the Deceiver.
This is summarized from The Bible In The Heavens by Frances Metcalfe, Ladies of Gold, Volume 2.
BO0K 1- THE REDEEMER – (The First Advent of Jesus Christ).
Chapter 1: The Promise of a Redeemer:
Isa. 7:14: Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel.
(The Virgin bearing a branch in her right hand and a spike of corn in her left hand): Promised Seed of the woman.
1. COMA (A young mother and child.) The desire of all nations.
2. CENTAURUS (The centaur, half man, half horse, with two natures, holding a spear piercing a victim). The despised sin offering.
3. BOOTES (Arcturus, the great Shepherd and Harvester, holding a rod and sickle, and walking forth before His flocks.) He cometh.
Chapter 2: The atoning work of the Redeemer:
Rev. 5:9: And they sing a new song, saying, “Thou art worthy… for you have slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood.
LIBRA: (The scales.) The price deficient balanced by the price which covers.
1. CRUX or CROSS (The Cross over which centaur is advancing called the Southern Cross.). The song, The Southern Cross signals divine healing and direction for hope recovery after heart break and loss – God still speaking.
2. LUPUS or VICTIMA (Victim of Centaur, slain, pierced to death.) Victory
3. CORONA or CROWN (The crown which the serpent aims to take, called the Northern Crown), Bestowed.
Chapter 3, The conflict of the redeemer.
You shall tread upon the lion and adder; the young lion and the dragon shall you trample under feet. (Ps. 91:13).
Chapter 4. The Triumph of the Redeemer – The Triumphant Warrior
Ps. 45:45: And in your majesty ride prosperously, because of truth, and meekness and righteousness; and your right hand shall teach you terrible things. You arrows are sharp in the heart of the King’s enemies.
2. ARA
BOOK 2 – THE REDEEMED - (The Result of the Sufferings of Jesus Christ). John 12:24: Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone; but if it die, it brings forth much fruit.
BOOK 3 – THE REDEEMER – The Second Advent of Jesus
Chapter 1. The Coming Messiah King of Kings – The day of the LORD. Ps. 92:10: My horn shall you exalt like the horn of a unicorn.
TAURUS: (The bull) Messiah coming to rule.
1. ORION (The glorious, brilliant Prince, with a sword girded on his side and his foot on the head of the Serpent) Light breaking forth in the person of the Redeemer.
2. ERIDANUS (The tortuous river of the Judge.) the wrath of God.
3. AURIGA (The Shepherd) Safety in the day of wrath.
Chapter 2: (The Twins) The Two-fold Nature of the King.
1. LEPUS (The Hare, or Serpent) The enemy trodden under foot.
2. CANIS MAJOR (The great dog, or Sirius.) The glorious Prince.
3. CANIS MINOR (The second dog, or Procyon.) The exalted Redeemer.
Chapter 3 – The Redemption of Messiah’s Possession.
Chapter 4 – The Glorious Triumph of the Messiah – The Consummated Victory.
Rev. 5:5: Weep not: behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has prevailed to open the book and to loose the seven seals thereof.
(The Lion.) The Lion of the Tribe of Juda aroused for the rending of the enemy.
1. HYDRA (The fleeing serpent.) That old serpent, the Devil trodden under foot by the crab and lion.
2. CRATER (Cup) The cup of Divine wrath poured out upon the serpent.
3. CORVUS (The crow or raven.) The birds of prey and doom tearing the serpent and devouring him and his followers.
Psalm 19 reveals the truth that the plan of God can be seen in the stars.
Luke 21:25: And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.
Rev. 1:7: Behold, he comes with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him; and all kindred’s of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
I sat down at my computer to write to Jennifer, and as we see, I just kept writing. My letter became a message. I will close with comments on Psalm 19. I have preached on this Psalm multiple times.
“When David first sang the 19th Psalm, a sublime song was transposed from heaven to earth. So lofty is its concept, so majestic its theme, so universal its appeal, that it is worthy of an archangel. However, it is not the voice of Michael or Gabriel but that of a young shepherd who sang out over the hills of Bethlehem.
David can give us a picture in one phrase; but he does not paint us a landscape. Creation is to him neither a subject for poetical description, nor for scientific study. It is the garment of God! The apocalypse of the heavenly!
The Holy Spirit sang in him a New song – a song of grace and love. We have come to a new day. Let us listen for the new song.
And then the song came to my mind of a heartbroken sailor after love lost. He found hope when in his travels HE trying to work through his brokenness, He looked into the heavens and saw the constellation of The Southern Cross.
“When you see the southern cross for the first time, You understand now why you came this way. The truth you might be runnin’ from is so small. But it’s as big as the promise, the promise of a comin’ day.” (Michael Curtis, Richard Curtis & Stephen Stills).
Carolyn Sissom, Pastor
Eastgate Ministries Church, 10115 West Hidden Lakes Lane, Richmond, TX.
I entered into the labors of Frances Metcalfe, The Bible In The Heavens Ladies of Gold, Volume 2, authorized by James Maloney.