Sunday Evening Service, January 13, 2025
Pastor Carolyn Sissom
Many years ago, more years than I can remember, the LORD spoke to me that I was a North Star. Well, that is a lot to process! I didn’t tell anyone for years and up until now, only a very few people. How arrogant it sounded! What a mystery to be discovered!
Perhaps this is a personal testimony of the journey of the discovery of the North Star. Perhaps, it will take a lifetime to make the discovery. But at the age of 84, it is probably as-good-a-time-as-any to post what I have discovered of the mystery to date.
The North Star serves as a metaphor for hope, resilience, and unwavering aim or goal. It symbolizes a reliable path amid life’s challenges just as the North Star remains nearly still in our sky while the entire northern sky moves around it. Our personal North Star represents our mission statement, purpose, and ultimate destiny. It is a divine beacon of inspiration and hope.
The North Star is also known as Polaris. It is a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor, also known as the Pole Star.
Job 9:7-10: (God) which commands the sun, and it rises not, and seals up the start. Which alone spreads out the heavens and treads up the waves of the sea. Which makes Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south. Which does great things past finding out, yea and wonders without number.
Amos 5:8: Seek him that makes the seven stars and Orion, and turns the shadow of death into the morning, and makes the day dark with night; that calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out upon the face of the earth; The LORD is his name.
The seven stars – Pleiades: a constellation of seven stars.
Orion – a constellation of stars a picture of the glorious, brilliant Prince, with a sword girded on his side, and his foot on the head of the Serpent.) Light breaking forth in the person of the Redeemer.
Job 38:31: Can you bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?
The North Star has been a beacon of inspiration and guidance throughout time. Its steadfastness and constancy in the night sky have led to its spiritual significance and symbolic representation of a guiding light in human life. Drawing parallels to the idea of a personal mission statement, the North Star serves as a metaphor for an unwavering aim or goal that remains unfazed by the ever-changing circumstances of life.
I can certainly identify with that. Some would call my unwavering stand - stubbornness or hard-headedness. The above would describe the Office of the Prophet and/or the Office of the Apostle. We are certainly not to be moved from our calling and assignments, not by public opinion, family, friends, money, or the lack thereof, promotion, rejection, persecution, the world, or all that is in it.
In the realm of spirituality the North Star’s symbolism extends beyond navigation and exploration. It has long been viewed as a spiritual compass, guiding individuals on their journey towards purpose and destiny. It is also symbolic as a guiding light not just for individuals, but for nations.
It's consistent presence in the night sky serves as a reminder of the sovereignty of God over His universe.
In the days of the Patriarchs (Job comes to mind, Sons of Korah, etc.) they had knowledge and understanding of the times. They understood that God was running the earth on a heaven-set stellar chronometer.
The ability to tell time and season by the great star-clock which God had placed in the norther sky, was handed down from father to son, But gradually, through disobedience and sin, men lost count of God’s time and became disoriented from it.
However, that Norther Star didn’t budge or move. It stayed the course, which was to stay steadfast in place.
God’s clock continued to tick out the centuries. When, at His appointed time (faithfully predicted and pre-figured in His Word) God brought Israel forth out of the land of Egypt; and established them as a nation.
Job 24:1: Since times are not hidden from the Almighty, why do those who know Him not see His days?
A wise and righteous man asked this question many centuries ago. The Holy Spirit is asking this question again today. Why is it that so many are ignorant of God’s times and guiding direction?
Israel did not know the time of the coming of the Messiah. Israel was noted for almost never knowing God’s times for manifestation. Even though the bible is widely read and taught today, few Christians understand God’s plan for “the time of the end.”
Nor do they realize we are now in the midst of the apocalyptic appearing of Jesus Christ to His prepared ones--- an appearing which takes place secretly (visitation)---before his great worldwide manifestation as Judge and King.
I was telling Sandra on the way home after church. So many are speaking of the “Golden Era.” The Lord even had me decree it. Yet, many will not walk into it or even know it is about us. However, we can walk into it by the Spirit and live there eternally on earth and heaven.
God’s Word is a closed book unless the Holy Spirit reveals and interprets it to the heart of the believer. He is the wonderful teacher whom Christ sent to guide us into all truth! It is of His revelation concerning God’s Time that we write. We had no knowledge of the matter whatsoever until he undertook to instruct us.
Paul taught us that we are “stewards of the mysteries of God,” and it is required that we be found faithful (1Co. 4:1-2.).
God’s guiding direction and timing “God’s Time” is one of these mysteries, and we want to prove faithful in the stewardship of whatever light He has imparted to us and to walk into whatever light we have been given.
God has placed a clock in each of us which is a miniature of the great clock which God “wound up” and placed in the northern heavens when He created the firmament. Century after century it has counted off God’s years with immutable accuracy, slowly marking off the time God has allotted to mankind.
If you want to find God’s great clock in the northern sky, it is not difficult to do so. And when we once learn the position of the stars, we can tell time within a few minutes, by observing their relation to one another. All time moves in cycles or circles. The rotation of the earth producing the day, as we have mentioned, the revolving of the moon around the earth gives us the month, and the revolution of the earth around the sun produces the year. The sun itself whirls around some distant center, carrying its planets with it. Man’s instruments for telling time are circular in form---God’s instrument is circular also. He has placed in the northern skies a Polar star, often called Polaris, the North Star, and it is the center of the dial of God’s great clock. A radius extending 40 degrees in every direction from the North Star marks the outer rim of the crystal, and the Big Dipper forms the hour-hand. This hour-hand makes one complete circle around the face of this star-clock in exactly 24 hours, never varying a second. (Sun time does not vary.)
It marks the yearly cycle just as accurately. Our chronometers are set by this star-clock. (The Dipper, the Seven Stars of Amos 5:8).
Man used to use sundials, hour glasses, and other crude means of telling time; set to perfect time each day. Oh, that man’s heart and spirit might be as easily adjusted to God’s heavenly time! Lord Jesus show me the mystery of walking in the light of your North Star. Solomon rejoiced that God had given him not only wisdom but knowledge. Included in this knowledge was perfect knowledge about God’s times.
Wisdom of Solomon 7: 17-19; Apocrypha: “For it is He that has given me the unerring knowledge of what is, to know the constitution of the world and the working of the elements; the beginning and end and middle periods of time, the alternations of solstices and the changes of the seasons, the cycles of the years and the positions of the stars.”
Apocrypha: 7: 7-10: Wherefore I prayed, and understanding was given me: I called upon God, and the spirit of wisdom came to me. I preferred her (Wisdom) before scepters and thrones, and esteemed riches nothing in comparison of her. Neither compared I unto her any precious stone, because all gold in respect of her is as a little sand, and silver shall be counted as clay before her. I loved her above health and beauty, and chose to have her instead of light: for the light that cometh from Wisdom never goes out.
The North Star is the 48th brightest star in the night sky. Sirius, another star, is ranked as the brightest star seen from Earth.
The North Star/Polaris is historically significant as a navigation guide. It symbolizes guidance, hope, and protection in spiritual journeys. In literature and art, the North Star represents steadfastness and inspiration, encouraging individuals to navigate their lives amid uncertainty. The North Star serves as a metaphor for hope and resilience, reminding us to seek a constant source of divine light during challenging times.
Jesus Christ is My North Star. The light of His Holy Spirit guides my path of life. The Holy Spirit of Wisdom leads me onto that eternal path of life.
Carolyn Sissom, Pastor
Eastgate Ministries Church 10115 West Hidden Lakes Lane
Richmond, TX
Scripture from K.J.V. and N.K.J.V. – I entered into the labors of “God’s Great Clock” by Frances Metcalfe. Comments, conclusions are my own and not meant to reflect the views of Sister Metcalfe.