(Revelation 1:12-20; 2:1)

Taught by:  Carolyn Sissom

March 22, 2009


This will probably not be a revelation to most of you.  However, as we approach Easter, we must always return to the foundations of our Christian Faith that we will always be reminded of the work of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and ascension to the Right Hand of God the Father.


(Rev. 1:12) “And I turned to see the voice that spoke with me, and being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; and in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like to the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.  His head and His hair were white like wool, as white as snow and His eyes were as a flame of fire; And His feet like fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and His voice as the sound of many waters.  He had in His right hand seven stars, and out of His mouth went a sharp two-edge sword; and His countenance was as the sun shines in His strength”   JESUS


The Seven candlesticks represent the presence of the Lord in the Seven Churches.  The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches.  Jesus walks in the midst of the Seven churches as one like the Son of Man.  We had a visitation of the Lord at the time we started this church here in Texas in 2000.  We have been blessed with being a lamp stand church.  I pray that all churches who bear the name of Jesus are so blessed.


The typology of  each Golden candlestick is Jesus Christ is the central shaft and His Body is the branches; No wood (human nature) and all gold (divine nature);  Pure gold (Lev. 24:4) – purged in the fire of testing; the entire lamp stand was created from one piece of God – unity of Christ, and His Church.  The hammering and beating speaks of perfection through suffering for Christ the head and Body (Heb. 2: 9-10); 5:8-9; Phil. 1:29; 1 Pet. 4:13) according to a divine pattern.


There are no measurements – unlimited ministry and influence (shining light) because in Ex. 37:17 – Jesus Christ is the ground and foundation for the many important Bible truths connected with the lamp stand.  (Example – Jesus is central to the Holy ghost Baptism, for He is the Baptizer in Mt. 3:11);  Jesus is the light and the life; the fruit of the Spirit is His nature; the Gifts of the Spirit extend His ministry; Jesus is the anointed Word, the branch of the Lord grows out of His roots; etc.


The light and life from the Candlestick flows in all directions:


          Light:  The nature of God (1 Jn. 1:5);

 Christ the Light reveals the nature of God. (Jn.8:12, 3: 14-21).

 The Church the Light reveals the nature of Jesus (Is. 60: 1-5;
Rev. 1:20 for the collective Body and Mt. 5:14; for the individual).

The nature of Jesus is revealed through the Fruit of the Spirit. (Ga. 5: 22-23)

The Anointed Word Revealed through the Apostle’s Doctrine is the LIGHT.

          The Branch of the Lord will reveal the Light of God in the earth.



LIFE:  The Ministry of God (Ps. 46: 1-5);

The CHURCH, THE LIFE reveals the ministry of Jesus for the COLLECTIVE Body and for the individual believer.)

The ministry of Jesus is revealed through the GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT (1 Cor. 12: 8-10) which flow following the Holy Ghost Baptism.


The BRANCH OF THE Lord will reveal the Life of God in the earth.


The central shaft is Jesus Christ in the midst of His people being the head and having the Preeminence (Col. 1: 14-19); Man (6 branches) is to reveal the light and lift of Christ (Jn. 15:5), also note that man (6) is incomplete without Christ and complete (7) or perfect in Him (Eph. 1:23).  The branches of the candle stick were extended on both sides of the mediator (Jesus) the central shaft) – We are to shine forth in light and life both to God and Man (either side of the Mediator Jesus).  Lastly, it is interesting to note the Hebrew word for shaft is “loins” – We the branches sprang out of the “loins” of Jesus.


Te ornaments of the Candlestick were for BEAUTY and GLORY. (Ps. 27:4; Job. 23:10).


The Knop or Bud of the almond plant could also be likened to a CROWN of a pillar (Rev. 3:12; Pr. 9:1; Ps. 21:3; Pr. 4: 7-9; 12:4).  We can compare the 7 lamps with the crowns of the Overcomer (the one who wins the race and obtains) and the crowns of Jesus.


  1. 1 Cor. 9:25 – Incorruptible crown
  2. 1 Th. 2;19 – Crown of Rejoicing
  3. 11 Tim. 4:8 – Crown of Righteousness
  4. Js. 1:12 – Crown of Life
  5. 1 Pet. 5:4 – Crown of Glory
  6. Heb. 2:9 – Crown of Honor
  7. Rev. 14:14 – Golden Crown


The flowers of the almond plant are for BEAUTY, FRAGRANCE, AND GLORY;


The Hebrew word for almond is “wakeful” or “hastener” because the almond plant was the first to bud or come to life in the spring.  This speaks of resurrection life and power because Jesus Christ was the firstfruits from the dead and the firstborn Son. (1 Cor. 15:20).  There is also a firstfruits company over overcoming sons (Jas. 1:18; Rev. 14: 1-5()) who shall pioneer into the unseen realm of the Spirit and press beyond the Veil into immortality and Life – this Melchisedec priesthood is energized by the power of an endless life. (Heb. 7:16) as seen in Aaron’s Rod that budded bringing forth almonds and confirming God’s chosen priesthood.


Numbers 17:8 “And it came to pass, that on the morrow Moses went into the tabernacle of witness; and behold the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was budded, and brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds”


It is the resurrection, Life, Power and Energy of the Risen Christ that flows in us enabling the Church to reveal the nature of Jesus in the fruit of the spirit; it is that same divine energy and anointing experienced in the Holy Ghost Baptism and the Gifts of the Spirit; the Apostles’ doctrine is quickened to our spirit because of that resurrection life.  The branch of the Lord will be energized by the power of Christ’s endless life. 


There were 18 sets of ornaments which represent the 9 Fruit of the Spirit and the 9 Gifts of the Spirit.   The fruit and the gifts are given by the Lord to ornament and beautify the Church.


The Fruit of the Spirit (The extended nature of Jesus):


  1. Love – Greek is “Agape” or “divine, self-sacrificial love”.
  2. Joy – “Cheerfulness; calm delight”.
  3. Peace – “Tranquility of mind; quietness; rest”.
  4. Gentleness – “Kindness; gracious and mild in character”.
  5. Goodness – “moral goodness” (helps and edifies others).
  6. Faith – “Faithfulness; trustworthiness (stewardship)”
  7. Meekness – “humility (in dealing with others)”.
  8. Temperance – “self-control; mastery of self”.


The gifts of the Spirit (The extended Ministry of Jesus):



1.      Divers kinds of Tongues – The gift of tongues is the God-given ability which enables a believer to speak in a language which he doesn’t know (Message in tongues with interpretation).

2.      Interpretation of Tongues – The God-given ability to bring forth in a known tongue a message that was given in an unknown tongue.

3.      Prophecy – the God-given ability to speak forth a message from God in a known tongue (Not preaching) – foretelling/forth telling.


KNOWING MINISTRY – Gifts of Revelation – Think like God:


  1. Word of Wisdom – an unearned and supernatural impartation of a fragment (part or portion ) of God’s total wisdom to meet a particular need, answer a particular challenge, or utilize a particular piece of knowledge (works with Word of Knowledge).
  2. Word of Knowledge – The God-given ability to receive from God by revelation facts and information which is humanly impossible to know (a part or portion of God’s all-knowing).
  3. Discerning of Spirits – The God-given ability to recognize what spirit (man, satan or God) is behind different manifestations or activities (note this gift is both positive and negative).

DOING MINISTRY – Gifts of POWER – Act like God:

  1. FAITH - The God-given ability to believe God for the impossible.
  1. Working of Miracles – The God-given ability to perform the impossible (contrary to the laws of nature).
  2. Gifts of Healings – Given by God to impart healing for the physical body at certain specific times.


Note: These definitions are by K.R. Iverson of Portland, Oregon, concerning the Gifts of the Spirit.  Also, the Fruit and Gifts are listed here but briefly and the brief overview will obviously lack some areas of teaching, principles, and understanding.


The central shaft (Jesus Christ) has the greater adornment – He is the fairest.  Jesus is distinct in that He will always be the head and have the Preeminence.  There are four sets of ornaments – Jesus’ Resurrection Life (almonds) is for all the earth.  He is Lord over all the earth.  The number 12 (4 sets x 3 parts in a set) shows Him walking in perfect divine order.  Lastly, like David, Jesus is anointed in the midst and over all His brethren. (1 Sam. 16; Heb. 1:9)


The Holy ghost Baptism can be taught here at the candlestick or by the fact that the priest before entering the Holy Place had to be “clothed upon” (Lk. 24:49) with a change of garments – this experience brought him into the light of the Lord (Eph. 1: 13-18), the ministry of the Body (1 Cor. 12:13), and the blessing of Spirit-anointed prayer and praise (1 Cor. 14: 14-18).


    1. The Holy Ghost baptism is for us today. (Heb. 13:8; 11 Pet. 3:8)
    2. It is for anyone who has been born again. (Acts 2: 38-39)
    3. It is a separate experience following conversion.
    4. The Holy ghost Baptism is a gift of God to be taken by Faith.
    5. This experience can be received at any time, in any place and posture.
    6. This experience can be experienced in various settings (compare the book of Acts) – laying on of hands, individual or united prayer, or a spontaneous outpouring.


The Oil for the Lamps was used for Food (1 Kg. 17), Light and Anointing.  There had to be fresh oil at the Candle stick every day.  All the vessels of the tabernacle were anointed with this oil.  The oil proved to provide a steady, consistent light.  Olive oil is produced from beating olive berries.  One “Hin” of oil was used which means “full”.  There was a balanced weight of the various spices used in the oil – 500 shekels of myrrh, 500 shekels (250 +250) of sweet cinnamon and Calamus, and 500 shekels of cassia. (500 of wisdom and understand, 500 of counsel and might, 500 of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.)


I have a teaching on the ingredients of the anointing oil.  If anyone requests it, I will send it to you by email.


On the march, the lamp stand was wrapped in Blue (heavenly) cloth – thus a heavenly light and life, anointing, ministry, testimony, etc.; Also note that Christ (Vine) and His branches minister in the heavenlies (Spirit) – the Open Heaven of the Holy of Holies...  It was then wrapped in Badger skins – protection/covering of these things.


Also, I have a teaching on the Seven Spirits of God and will be happy to forward that as well. 


The 7 Spirits = One Holy Spirit.  These are living and not inanimate spirits:

  1. The Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge and the Fear of God.


The Candle stick stood in the Holy Place.  It was the sole means of illumination in the sanctuary (no windows):

  1. Outer court – light of the sun or natural light.
  2. Holy Place – light of the lamp stand or artificial light
  3. Holy of Holies – light of God or divine light.


These seven churches were the Pentecostal churches.  The Feast of Pentecost is the Holy Spirit.  We are a lamp stand church.  May we always reveal Jesus Christ with light and life?  May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to walk among His churches?  “I am He that lives, and was dead; and behold I am alive forevermore.  Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.  Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter.  The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks.  The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and the seven candlesticks which you saw are the seven churches.”


Preached by:  Carolyn Sissom, Pastor

Eastgate Ministries, Inc.

Scripture from K.J.V. text taken from Tabernacle of Moses by:  Kelly Varner

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